OECD Survey on the STI policy responses to Covid-19



Updated on: 2020-05-22

Q1A. What arrangements, if any, do you have in place to ensure scientific advice informs national policy and decision making in relation to Covid-19? An advisory board, composed of reputed of epidemiologists, scientists and public health experts has been operating since the beginning of the crisis to inform the policies adopted by the central government. This group of experts reports to the Ministry of Health and its members regularly participate in meetings with the President and the cabinet. This technical team has provided advice in regards to diagnosis tools such as quick and molecular tests, the implementation of quarantine , social isolation schemes, curfews and restricted mobility. Since we are facing an evolving crisis, said instance is constantly analyzing the available information for relaying its technical advice to the decision makers.

On the other hand, The COVID-19 operations command has been created to ensure key actors such as the Ministry of Health, The Health Social Security, Private medical clinics, the Police and the Armed Forces follow a common strategy for the sake of tackling the crisis. This operations command is in permanent communication with the group of experts for ensuring scientific advice is translated into policy decisions on a timely basis.
Q1B. In what ways, if any, are you coordinating on Covid-19 STI responses at international level? Within the framework of the Organization of American States, we are proposing the creation of the inter american network for modelling and emergency situations. The main goal of this proposed network is to build a mechanism of collaboration where researchers from different disciplines (mathematics, statistics, data science, IT, medicine, biology, geophysics, ecology, etc) can contribute with their technical insights to upgrade the capacities of our countries. This will enable member states to share approaches, instruments, models, systems and experiences to enhance the capacity of member states to model and simulate emergency situations such as pandemics and its potential impacts. In the context of the crisis created by the COVID-19, this initiative would allow us to offer science-based advice to our governments for the sake of improving the decision making process.

At the international level we have coordinated STI responses with multiple governments across the globe. As a result of our government’s consultation with the government of the Republic of Korea, the latter has agreed to share clinical data and medical devices with Peru. The government of China has been providing technical assistance and scientific advice, moreover, chinese private companies and local governments have provided equipment required for coping with the crisis. With the United Kingdom we are working to redirect Newton Fund resources to research endeavors in the field of COVID-19, making efforts to enable peruvian researchers to participate in the UK and US-led initiative called the Pandemic Challenge and supporting the UK Welcome Trust initiative which advocates for data research data and findings sharing. Through the Pan American Health Organization, our government has participated in a virtual roundtable with experts from China where protocols, methods and best practices were shared to tackle the crisis.

Within the framework of UNESCO, we have taken part in the Virtual Ministerial Dialogue on COVID-19, Open Science and International Scientific Collaboration. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have vowed to reinforce scientific cooperation and integrate Open Science in our research programmes to prevent and mitigate global crises stepping up information sharing through Open Science.We agreed that UNESCO should use its long-standing normative role promoting international scientific collaboration to boost Open Science in order to reduce the knowledge gap, tackle pandemics, address environmental crises and combat other global threats.

Q2.Do you have dedicated arrangements in place for communicating science advice and for refuting misleading information to the public on Covid-19? Based on the recommendations of the group of experts, since the beginning of the crisis, our government has been consistently sharing educational contents, videos, info-graphics in order to counter misleading information. Said contents are shared taping on all available digital resources, such as websites, social networks, TV and SMS. Furthermore, the members of the group of experts are also regularly providing science based advice on TV, Radio and online platforms in order to disseminate proper information, dispel the doubts of the population and comment on the measures taken by government authorities. All ministries and

On the other hand, The Innovation Platform of the Ministry of Production, Innovate Perú, has launched a contest named InnoVemos - InnovaCovid-19 challenge. This initiative intends to co-finance projects oriented to disseminate information regarding the preparation, reaction and recuperation actions to be conducted within the context of the crisis. This contest will find innovative solutions focused on the following priorities:
Dissemination of innovative solutions regarding COVID-19 ( before, during and after the crisis)
Dissemination of information in innovative formats
Dissemination in isolated communities and native communities where spanish is not spoken.

There are two categories, namely Editorial contents (Tales, comics, photo books, graphic novels, etc) and Visual arts (Photographic series, illustrations, drawings, among other similar contents).

The Peruvian government has also created a mobile app called “El Perú en tus manos” (Peru in your hands) where citizens can conduct a self assessment of their symptoms, find information regarding the areas with presence of infected persons and seek help, in case it was required.

In order to reach our native and indigenous groups, the peruvian government has developed flyers with information regarding COVID-19 in 21 languages, and launched announcements, short radio programs and podcasts in 14 native languages. This communicational effort has been developed being mindful of the cultural context of the target audience and reaches more than 90% of our indigenous population.

The National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation is hosting its Science and Society Colloquium: Science, social participation and political decisions. The rationale behind this virtual colloquium is to host relevant dialogues and provide coherent answers to the current crisis, while preventing and mitigating potential future outbreaks. Through roundatables with peruvian and foreign reputed experts, the colloquium will touch upon the most crucial issues regarding COVID-19. The colloquium will take place between May 18th to May 22nd, May 25th to May 29 and June 1st to June 5th and each day there will be a roundtable discussion.

Q3. What new STI policy measures, if any, is your country taking to respond specifically to the Covid-19 crisis? In March 29th, The National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, through its National Fund for Science,Technology and Technological Innovation, launched a public call for research initiatives named “Special projects: Responding to COVID-19”. The call intends to create new scientific knowledge, development, innovation and adaptation of technologies, products, mechanisms or new or improved services which could provide fast solutions to the challenges created by the pandemic.

For this call, we prioritized 5 themes:
Development, adaption and/or validation of detection systems (diagnosis).
Telehealth, mobile health and digital epidemiological vigilance systems.
Technological and innovation systems
Treatment (medicines, vaccines)
Epidemiological and social studies.

Given the need of prompt responses to the crisis, we will prioritize projects in an advanced stage of development, high impact innovation concepts and short term response potential in the following areas:

Projects of applied research
Projects of technological development
Projects of technological adaptation.

We have received 600 concept notes, 55% of which were submitted by universities, 29% came from companies, 6% from research or innovation institutions and the remaining proposals were submitted by public and private institutions which host research units.

In regards to themes covered by the proposals, 14% corresponds to the development and/or validation of rapid tests used for COVID-19 diagnosis. Another 14% of the proposals were related to the treatment of the virus. 29% of the concept notes corresponds to technological and innovation developments, where medical artifacts such artificial ventilation machines required by intensive care units are required. 27% of the proposals present new developments in telehealth and mobile health, and also digital information systems or health management, while the remaining 16% proposals are related to epidemiological and social studies.

During the call for applications we received 600 concept notes, of which 29 were finally selected.We would like to highlight some of the initiatives which have qualified to received the funds, according to their respective priority areas.

Telehealth and Mobile Health

Characterizing COVID-19: Data analysis tool for COVID-19 patients.
Health information Digital System in Peru as a tool for decision making in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic.
Technological development of a remote monitoring and diagnostics system geared towards patients in the rehabilitation stage after recovering from COVID-19 through the use of low-cost device relying on digital spirometry based on exhaled air.
Mobile app for population screening monitoring and screening in Loreto, one of the most heavily affected regions in the country.
Brigadist collaboration network for researching, detecting, and primary management of severely affected COVID-19 communitary cases.


Biological-computational platform for the analysis of new chemical entities, medicines and natural products with potential antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-2.
Production of an anti SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, based on the spike protein expressed in insect cells, and the the evaluation of their security and immunogenicity in animals and voluntary human beings.

Detection Systems

Rapid molecular diagnose tests for COVID-19.

Technological devices and innovation

Low-cost portable electronic device for evaluating the risk of developing pneumonia based on the abnormal lung sounds in suspected COVID-19 patients from vulnerable areas.
Low-cost Mechanical ventilators with minimum characteristics for COVID-19’s emergency.
High respiratory protection equipment universal platform, relying on 3D printing.
Vital sign monitoring device for COVID-19 cases and patients with other diseases.
Anti COVID-19 surgical respirator of the use of health personnel
Rectilinear point fabric reusable face masks able to protect the user against COVID-19. Adequate for health personnel and people exposed to infection on the grounds of their working conditions.
Epidemiological and social studies

Dynamic control of the COVID-19 Virus
Decentralized genomic surveillance system for assessing the transmission and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in Peru.
COVID-19 systemic study in the health sector and its impact on the peruvian economy and the development of dynamic government policies at the regional level through the use of soft system dynamics and data science.

For supporting the development of the selected initiatives, an initial amount of 5 million soles will be granted. However,we intend to launch additional funds and launch more calls in the near future. In the following link you will find the details of the call https://www.fondecyt.gob.pe/convocatoria...
Q4A. At national level, what mechanisms are you developing or relying upon to bring together different STI actors (researchers, industry, government, health sector, foundations, etc.) to effectively collaborate on responses to Covid-19? Concretely, through the public call we have launched to boost special projects related to COVID-19, we intend to make a contribution to articulate efforts and agglutinate actors that are developing solutions. For instance, according to our protocols, if we receive two or three proposals from institutions that are working on vaccine development or tests, and said institutions are at similar stages of development, we will provide the funding, ensuring that they join efforts to find the right solution. We are also relying on public-private research and development partnerships, which allow research centers, universities and the armed forces to conduct research together and provide technological solutions.
Q4B. At international level, what mechanisms are you developing or relying upon to bring together different STI actors (researchers, industry, government, health sector, foundations, etc.) to effectively collaborate on responses to Covid-19? With the United Kingdom we are working to redirect Newton Fund resources to research endeavors in the field of COVID-19, making efforts to enable peruvian researchers to participate in the UK and US-led initiative called the Pandemic Challenge and supporting the UK Welcome Trust initiative which advocates for data research data and findings sharing. Through the Pan American Health Organization, our government has participated in a virtual roundtable with experts from China where protocols, methods and best practices were shared to tackle the crisis.

Within the framework of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation’s Science, Technology and Innovation Work Group, we are developing project proposals to tackle COVID-19 and proposing science-based mechanisms for mitigating its impact through the use of disruptive technologies. On the other hand, we are encouraging members of the scientific community to participate in the calls for collaborative projects launched by the European Union’s framework programme for research and innovation. We are fostering similar collaborations within the framework of the calls funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.

Peru has also actively joined the efforts of the international scientific community for developing a vaccine for COVID-19. Our scientists have shared a genome sequence of an isolated virus strain of SARS-CoV-2 with the database International Global Initiative on Sharing all Influenza Data (GISAID). Said virus strain, along with the other strains available, are being used in the development of the vaccine.

Perú is actively participating in "Solidarity”, a clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, which was launched by the World Health Organization and partners.The Solidarity Trial will compare four treatment options against standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19. By enrolling patients in multiple countries, the Solidarity Trial aims to rapidly discover whether any of the drugs slow disease progression or improve survival. Other drugs can be added based on emerging evidence

Q5. What novel approaches, if any, is your country using to address the coronavirus crisis (e.g. use of machine learning, open science initiatives boosting access and sharing of data and research results, development and use of prediction models, etc.)? [Left blank]
Q6A. What impact on the STI system do you anticipate in the short-, medium- and long-term, and what measures are you implementing to address those? [Left blank]
Q6B. Is support of the STI system part of planned stimulus packages aimed at supporting the economy? [Left blank]
Q7. Is there anything else regarding the STI policy response to Covid-19 in your country you would like to mention? Given the shortage of medical supplies in the international market, a group of STI experts from the Peruvian Navy and academics from the university sector, have successfully developed the prototype of an artificial ventilation machine. Said prototype has been approved by the Ministry of Health and we expect to produce 100 units in one month, and at least 500 units over the next months. The cost of production of this device is 5,000 USD, considerably less than the alternatives which are hardly found in the international market. Public and private efforts are currently focused on developing local STI solutions that could be made available on the short term for countering the viral outbreak.